Sewing Training

Ministry in Malawi

Project code: 
Project goal: 
$1,050 raised
(not tax deductible)

22/9/23 – Thank you so much for your generous partnership with this project! This project is now fully supported. Pray for the women learning how to sew. Pray that this training will make a significant difference in their lives and that of their families as they use their new skills to generate income, and pray for Joyce as she runs the classes and provides skills-training in a new and exciting way in Malawi. Thank you!

As this project is fully supported, ongoing gifts will be redirected to Jean-Claude and Joyce’s team mates, Gary and Shirley, who are preparing to return to Malawi.

Sewing is a highly sought after, practical skill that is proven to generate income for families in Malawi.

Joyce is a tailor and has used her experience to offer sewing lessons for a small number of women and seen success.

Seeing the positive impact, Joyce is now planning weekly sewing lessons for a group of approximately 20 Yawo women, in the first year, to teach them how to sew and give them practical experience. She will be trialling this set up over the next two years and hopes to teach at least 40 women.

Women in Malawi often struggle to meet basic needs due to their lack of access to land for farming, which is the main livelihood of the Yawo in Malawi. This project will train Yawo women in how to sew and repair, or modify, old clothes.

This is a skill they can use within their communities to teach the next generation as well as to generate income for their family through making and selling clothes.

Joyce hopes to help the women also understand the importance of managing a micro-business so they have the best chance at achieving their goals.

An increase in income for many of these Yawo families starts with something as seemingly small, but deeply significant, as being able to purchase a bar of soap for their family. The goal of this is to see income grow in Yawo families, enabling them to meet their basic needs, afford access to medical care when needed and also have income to ensure children have access to an education.

A skill like sewing can change the life of a family.

Mama F has experienced this change. Trained by Joyce, Mama F initially hired a local machine and generated enough income from market sales of her sewing projects that she was able to purchase her own sewing machine. Now she is consistently making money by sewing and selling clothes and seeing her family better provided for. We want other Yawo women to have the same opportunity as Mama F.

What does your support cover?

10 sewing machines
5 tables
15 chairs
5 irons
Two years’ worth of fabric
Small tools such as scissors and thread
Freight of items to Malawi
A small annual contribution to the owners of the land where the training will be held

Your partnership means Joyce can come alongside Yawo women on a bigger scale and offer practical training in a sustainable, income generating skill. Learning sewing means these women have the opportunity to provide for their families, like Mama F has, as well as train the next generation of Yawo women.

Ministry projects in Malawi

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