
Serving in the Australian Intercultural Team

In 2024, Pip in transitioning to a new role within the Australian Intercultural Team. This follows a decade of serving in Cambodia between the years of 2005 and 2023.

Back in Sydney, she’ll continue her vital work supporting contextual ministry among the Khmer people, however her primary role will be a consultant, training, and equipping pastors and churches in intercultural missions. This aligns perfectly with the concept of mission from everywhere to everywhere, as the reality that nations now live in our neighbourhoods.

This presents the Australian church with amazing opportunities for both local and global missions, and Pip’s wealth of experience, knowledge, and creativity will be invaluable in this space. Let’s keep Pip, Pern, Levi, and Pia in our prayers as they navigate this transition into a new season of ministry.

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”

1 JOHN 4:11

Partner with Pip and share the good news of Jesus in Australia

Your gifts will help fund her living and ministry costs. These include:

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Gifts to Pip are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

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