Guide 2024

Get an overview of Baptist Mission Australia’s ministry and teams through our Guide 2024. Read and discover how you can get involved!

Our Guide 2024

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When Australian Baptists came together 160 years ago to consider global mission opportunities, they faced many challenges. But from their writings, prayers and initiatives we discover an expectant people! They knew they would not succeed in their own strength, but in faith they shaped an audacious vision for their time.

They were expectant of what God would do as they stepped out in faith! Today, we live in a time of unprecedented global change and seismic shifts in World Christianity. We face different challenges to our pioneers, and yet like them, we see wonderful opportunities to share the whole Gospel with the whole world.

Like our pioneers, we’re called beyond our comfort zones, confident in a God who is faithful and trustworthy. We’re beckoned to new things, expectant in a God who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes (Ephesians 3:20).

We thank all our partners who share with us in our compelling vision. We can only do what we do with the faithful, generous and prayerful support of churches and people like you.

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