Open Hearts

7 August 2024

Carolyn and Dema share encouraging updates of God’s Spirit at work.

Dema and Carolyn write, “Though we are a small group, our Thai friends come to Bible study with passion. We’re starting with the creation story. This is all new to them and they were intrigued to hear about how we, including everything in the world, came into being. They only know a little about God, but they have willing and open hearts for the Lord to come and move in their lives.

As we are sharing with them about God, we are learning so much from them. They persevere through so many difficult situations, especially LL, who always lives with purpose and never allows himself to give up despite his paralysis. Pray for each member of the group to experience the love of God in Christ and believe in Him.

We recently spent time with the Ethnic Thai faith communities in Nan and Phayao. When we meet and worship them, we always feel a renewed sense of strength and encouragement from one another. ‘How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!’ (Psalm 133:1a)

Last weekend, at a worship service with some local believers, Carolyn shared the message on the story Abraham about obeying God and having Faith in Him. Then, our leadership training with one of the local leaders Paul, was inspiring and well informed. He led the study on the roles and duties of shepherds / leaders. It sparked enthusiasm for the leaders to find more tangible ways of helping and supporting the faith community members, even in small things.

As people of mixed backgrounds, status, personalities and genders, they are learning to become more and more understanding of each other and be gentle with one another, reflecting the body of Christ. Please continue to pray for the leaders to be humble and Christ-like in their thinking, words and deeds as they lead and shepherd the believers.

Thank you for your prayers and giving towards the faith communities through funding the Thai Ministry House and Local Income Generation projects. These initiatives have already started to impact in their lives as they prepare to raise chickens to generate income.

Thank you for your partnership with our team and ministry.”

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