English Teaching And Friendship

Ministry in the Silk Road Area

Project code: 
Project goal: 
(tax deductible)

The team is actively engaged in providing English language lessons to local students and young adults in the rural community where team members live.

The project is addressing a key education need in the area and is so sought after that there are waiting lists for students. The team and local staff offer subsidised beginner, conversational and advanced academic English classes as well as homework clubs.

The team has established an English language centre that has been rebranded as a study centre. We have been delivering English classes for many years but now have expanded into K language literacy classes. This project is addressing a key education need in the area. The team and local staff offer subsidised beginner, conversational and advanced English classes while exploring the opportunities to expand into broader literacy options.

This project supports children as they journey in this globalised world, it supports youth who have been working hard to learn English and it supports adults who have never had the opportunity before now!

Budget includes:

  • Subsidy for student textbooks and resources
  • Local teacher salary
  • Hospitality
  • Utilities
  • Maintenance

Your partnership enables the team to provide a safe and stable learning environment for people with limited access to learn English. In this country, even basic English language competency opens greater employment and income generating opportunities.

Ministry projects in the Silk Road Area

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