
Bible study

Podcast series

Across the Alongsiders series, host Nathan Reid talks to people in Australia and around the world who are stepping out and living as alongsiders. Nathan is Baptist Mission Australia’s Mobilisation Manager.

Introductory episode

Being Alongsiders

This episode gives an overview of the Alongsiders theme. It’s an extended version of a four minute video we have produced as the key video for the Alongsiders series.

In this episode, sit down with intercultural team members Rours, Reaksmey and Paul as they explore what it means to be an alongsider. Paul shares from his experiences serving in Central Asia and Australia. And Reaksmey and Rours share stories from their years in Brisbane, where they are living, as they prepare to join the Baptist Mission Australia team in Cambodia.


People of Prayer

In this conversation, Bee and Daz share about their experience of prayer, how this has evolved since moving to South East Asia five years ago and how God is shaping them – day by day – to be people of prayer. They share vulnerably about challenges they have experienced and what God taught them about prayer during those seasons.

They also explore the story of Jesus retreating to pray in Mark 1:35-39.


Daz and Bee, South East Asia

People of Peace

Cam and Kath have been serving with our team in Mozambique among the Yawo people for ten years. And in conversation with Nathan Reid, they share stories of how God has gone before them and placed people of peace in their lives – opening Kingdom opportunities in communities.

They also explore how God is growing them as peacemakers themselves. Teaching them to listen well, journey alongside, take it slow and just be willing to step out.


Cam and Kath, Mozambique

People of Love

Petra and Steve serve in very different contexts, but they both live out of the conviction that to be an alongsider is to be someone who shares God’s love in relevant, active and genuine ways.

Steve and Petra also explore why it’s sometimes hard to receive love, how they love people even when it’s difficult and what God has been teaching them recently.


Steve Hales, Lismore Baptist Church
Petra, Silk Road Area

People who Partner

In this thought provoking episode, Nathan, Suzanne and Marbz explore a range of questions about partnership, power and working together. Suzanne is preparing to head to the Silk Road Area, joining our intercultural team. And Marbz works at the Baptist Association of Churches in NSW & ACT and has many years experience partnering with community development projects and other organisations.

Suzanne and Marbz also explore what they take away from Paul’s letter in Philippians 1:3-6.


Suzanne, Silk Road Area
Marbuen Diaz, Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT


Missioning is Baptist Mission Australia’s podcast. Through the podcast we hear stories from diverse global and local mission contexts and grapple with big issues of mission, life and faith.