Burdened hearts of hope

24 April 2024

“Break my heart for what breaks yours…” Scott reflects on this dangerous, yet powerful prayer.

It was after a visit to suffering children in Korea and China in the late 1940s that Robert Pierce wrote this prayer in his Bible: “Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God.” Pierce couldn’t let go of the need to do something meaningful for the children that he held in his arms on his Asian visit. Within a few years Pierce would establish World Vision and see its growth across the globe.

Pierce saw a need and God’s Spirit grew a deep burden within him. His heart was moved with compassion. He needed to act, and in doing so he was modelling the heart of Jesus that we see in the gospels.

In Luke 7 we read of a woman who has lost her husband, and now her only son. Here, in this culture, at this time, is a picture of desperation and hopelessness. The woman faced a very uncertain and challenging future.

In verse 13 we read: “When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her”. I love that verse.

Jesus sees the woman. He sees her pain. He sees her needs. I take great comfort in knowing that Jesus sees me – in my brokenness and ordinariness. He sees me as I am and as I can still become, as the Holy Spirit is at work in my life.

Jesus sees the woman and He is burdened by her needs. “His heart went out to her” we read in one translation. “His heart overflowed with compassion” is another translation. In the original language the idea of Jesus’ being moved at a “gut level” captures the depth of His feelings for the woman. His heart is broken for her and He acts in response, raising the young man from the dead.

And Luke so beautifully writes, “and Jesus gave him back to his mother”!

What do we see here. In the midst of hopelessness, Jesus gives us hope back. In the midst of chaos and turmoil, Jesus places peace back into our lives. Amid darkness, Jesus gives light back. Confronted with death, Jesus places life back in the mother’s hands.

Across the world and Australia this week our Baptist Mission Australia team members and ministry partners serve in unique, local communities, bringing the hope, love and light of Jesus by word and deed.

They are on the ground in Kalkarindji in the Northern Territory, in Massangulo, Mozambique, in Chiang Rai, Thailand, in Kapiri Mposhi, Zambia, in Siem Reap, Cambodia, on the Macquarie University campus in Sydney and in many other places across the world because of a God-placed burden.

Following in the footsteps of Jesus they have seen people that God has placed a burden on their heart for. People who otherwise may not have the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus in ways that make sense to them. People living with poverty, injustice and distress who need others in their corner advocating for them and standing alongside them. People who feel shunned and disregarded who need to know how much they matter to their Creator God!

Often when I talk with our team members and ministry partners, I am reminded of Robert Pierce’s prayer, because I hear the deep heart connection our team members and partners have with the people they lovingly live and serve alongside.

God uses softened hearts, broken hearts, hearts with a burden for others.

And what does the Holy Spirit do with Pierce’s burdened heart? He captivates it with missional imagination. The Spirit beckons Pierce to act on his burdened heart and World Vision is birthed.

It’s amazing to see what God does with burdened and captivated hearts, as ordinary people imagine the world and their local community different to what it is today. I’m thankful today for our team members and partners who are pursuing Kingdom heart dreams across the globe and around Australia. With broken and captivated hearts they join God as co-menders in our broken world, proclaiming and demonstrating the love and hope of Jesus.

And you’re a big part of this. Thank you! Your partnership heart – your prayers and generous financial gifts – make all our work possible.

Pierce’s prayer is a dangerous one to pray! But a powerful one.

God, may you continue to break our hearts – across the street and around the world – so we’re ready and available to be used by you as shalom seekers, good news people, Kingdom dreamers, change agents!

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