
17 May 2023

Being an alongsider means being a listener.

It is a joy and a privilege to come alongside the young people who participate in our free English conversation club. Isabella* is a sweet, outspoken and intelligent member of the conversation club. One day she called Ezzie to ask if she could meet up with her as she had something she needed to talk with her about.

This was an answer to prayer, as we had been asking God for opportunities to build relationships with our friends at the conversation club. Ezzie met with Isabella and listened to her share about her struggles with her education. She had just started her Polytechnic studies and thinks she made the wrong decision.

When asked what her parents think about this, she told Ezzie that her parents don’t really care. They are hardly at home due to their jobs, and she has no one to talk to or share her struggles with. She mentioned that she envies seeing how our family play together and do things together.

Isabella is one among many people who are going through the same thing… loneliness. We are thankful that she felt comfortable to share with Ezzie. Pray for Ezzie as she continues to journey alongside her. Pray that this is the beginning of deeper conversations and relationship.

Ask that we would be a safe space for people like Isabella to come and share their hearts as we listen, pray and share the love of the Father.

*Not her real name

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