Step one

28 June 2023

Step one of being an alongsider?

In this update, Mel shares how she is beginning to build relationships with women in the Silk Road Area… and it starts with simply putting herself in a position to regularly connect with the same people. (What a great lesson for us all!)

Mel writes, “As the weather has warmed up with Spring, it’s been wonderful to be able to enjoy exercising outside. In the last month, I was talking with my fitness trainer and we were both saying how much we love running. We decided to start running together around town (up until this point, I was really the only one running, and mostly got strange looks!).

Word got around, and many people in our fitness class wanted to join us for running. Now, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8am, the group meets to run. We’re talking about expanding this time to include sharing breakfast together after our run, which would be a wonderful way to get to know this group more.

We recently started ‘Playing Tea’, which is similar to a micro loan system, where everyone pays money to one person each month, and then each month we go to a cafe and spend the evening drinking tea and dancing. My turn comes in November, so look out for more stories then!

Please be praying for this community, pray that relationships will grow and that their will be an openness for meaningful conversations. Ask that God would soften the hearts of the women in group to hear His good news and pray that I will be bold in sharing with them.”

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