Prayer for Myanmar

3 July 2024

Pray with us for the people of Myanmar.

Creator God,
You understand the pain and suffering in Myanmar
Conflict shreds the fabric of communities, families and every form of life
Unravelling peace, hope and kindness.

Creator God,
We ask you to draw near to those torn apart by this war
And mend the places where we are unravelled.

Parenting God,
We are all your children and we belong to you
As kin, we belong to one another
And we long for our brothers and sisters in Myanmar to be safe.
Be with the children caught in the crossfire
Be with the elderly entangled in suffering
Hold everyone close in Your loving arms

Parenting God,
May the people of Myanmar feel Your strong, protecting presence
And mend the places where we are unravelled

Border-crossing God,
You know what it is like to be a stranger
Displaced in a foreign land, weary from fleeing
We pray for Burmese people living here in Australia and in other lands not their own
Enfold them in Your hope and strength as they worry about their loved ones back home
Wrap them up in our Baptist community that stands with them in prayer and action.

Border-crossing God,
May the people of Myanmar discover welcome and community wherever they dwell,
And mend the places where we are unravelled

Peacemaker God,
We yearn for healing in Myanmar.
We lift up the leaders and decision-makers here and across the world
May their hearts be softened
May they seek to weave peace over pursuing power.
We pray for wisdom for restoration and courage for repair.

Peacemaker God,
We ask you to stitch-together peace in Myanmar
And mend the places where we are unravelled

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