
Serving in Urban and Regional Australia

Paul, Naomi and their three children, Ryan, Abby and Jacob previously spent four and a half years serving with Baptist Mission Australia in Central Asia. Having returned to Australia in 2022, Paul is continuing to work in Sydney as part of the Australian Intercultural Team.

Paul is passionate about reaching out to the increasing number of culturally and linguistically diverse people living in Australia. In an average week, Paul spends most of his time connecting with international students at Macquarie University.

This involves building relationships, offering wholistic support, journeying with students as they explore faith for the first time, discipling followers of Jesus and encouraging them to join God in His mission. Additionally, Paul and his family are also seeking to build friendships and share Jesus with people of diverse backgrounds in their local community.

The Australian Intercultural Team is seeking to partner with individuals and Australian Baptist churches and to see them trained, equipped and empowered to engage in intercultural ministry and mission in their local context.

​If this is something you or your church are interested in, please feel free to get in touch with Paul. He would love to help you explore how to make disciples of all nations, be it locally or abroad.

Through their day-to-day life, Jean-Claude and Joyce are engaging with people wholistically, responding to their spiritual and physical needs.

Jean-Claude and Joyce share a passionate love for God and people and desire to see the Yawo follow Jesus within their cultural context. They are building relationships with their Yawo neighbours and investing in their culture and language learning with a local language nurturer so they can effectively communicate with their Yawo friends.

They are grateful for the prayers and financial support they receive as they actively seek to build meaningful relationships amongst the Yawo and see communities transformed as they follow Jesus in ways that make sense to them.

Ministry projects in Urban and Regional Australia

Learn about how God is using Naomi, Paul and the team in Urban and Regional Australia through these life transforming projects.

Partner with Paul and Naomi and share the good news of Jesus in Urban and Regional Australia.

Your gifts will help fund their living and ministry costs. These include:
Children’s Education $3,000
Health $2,000
Travel $10,000
Culture and Language learning $5,000

Please note:
Gifts to Jean-Claude and Joyce are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

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