
Serving in the Silk Road Area

Suzanne is an intercultural team member serving in the Silk Road Area. She grew up in country South Australia with a keen love for learning and for God. After fully submitting the course of her life to God during a Christian camp in 2010, God gave her a passion for teaching and intercultural service.

Suzanne is currently serving on the Silk Road Area team, learning the culture and language, so she can create long-lasting relationships with the K people, and walk beside emerging faith communities. Together they are transformed into Christ’s likeness.

Since arriving in mid-2023, she has been engaged in full-time culture and language learning. She has also been developing the skills and knowledge needed to live in the Silk Road Area – repairing bike tyre punctures, shovelling snow, pouring tea, and cooking local dishes with friends. Suzanne enjoys attending a local fitness group where she is building relationships with new friends and seeking ways to share the Gospel.

Starting in 2024, Suzanne is also teaching English in the local language centre. English is commonly taught in schools as a second language, as proficiency in English can open up new career opportunities, that can improve the quality of life for the K people. She is excited to see God at work in transforming the lives of the K people.

Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

MATTHEW 28:19–20a

Ministry projects in the Silk Road Area

Learn about how God is using Suzanne and the team in the Silk Road Area through these life transforming projects.

Partner with Suzanne and share the good news of Jesus in the Silk Road Area.

Your gifts will help fund her living and ministry costs. These include:

  • Culture and language learning: $2,000
  • Health: $1,000
  • Visas: $1,500

Please note:
Gifts to Suzanne are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

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