Crossing the street in South East Asia

9 September 2022

When our team established the Education Foundation ten years ago, Adam was one of the first employees.

A widower with three young boys and minimal education, he was struggling to make ends meet and provide for his family. He lived in a small dwelling with his sons and extended family members.

Flash forward to today, and Adam has blossomed and grown in confidence as a loved staff member. He has been able to care for his boys and make sure they attend good schools. He has also been saving regularly and was recently able to buy a small house for himself and his sons.

He is so happy and grateful that he could do this.

Adam eagerly participates in the weekly devotion times we run with the local staff, and we know the Lord continues to work in his life.

This is just one story of many. Over the past ten years, we have witnessed God at work through us and in the lives of the local staff and students.

There are now Education Foundation branches in three provinces and partnerships in other provinces. Employing around 45 local staff, the foundation provides courses for expatriates and local people.

Intercultural team members from many organisations study culture and language at the Education Foundation. In this way, the foundation is having an impact far beyond itself as it helps equip new workers who will be serving God in many communities.

The foundation also has a benevolent purpose to relieve poverty and distress. Most of the local staff come from the majority faith community and were struggling with poverty prior to working within the foundation. The foundation provides them with stable employment, fair wages, health insurance and a safe workplace where they experience dignity.

All the staff participate in weekly devotion times where they discuss spiritual matters. Several have come to faith in Jesus and others are on the journey.

For our team, the Education Foundation also provides a natural place to develop rich relationships with local people. Pray with us that through these relationships, we will be making Jesus meet-able.

Crossing the Street in South East Asia
Resonate 39

Dave and Caz have served with the team since 2000. Ten years ago they established the team’s Education Foundation. Their mission is to make Jesus meet-able to their local friends.

Dave and Caz have served with the team since 2000. Ten years ago they established the team’s Education Foundation. Their mission is to make Jesus meet-able to their local friends.

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