Five Finger Prayer

Approx 15 minutes

This five finger prayer is adapted from the method made popular by Pope Francis. This simple prayer method is perfect for kids and acts as a visual aid that helps us remember who to pray for. It is especially helpful for kinaesthetic learners who need to learn through touch and movement.

Our hands and fingers are always right there with us! So the Five Finger Prayer is a great way to teach children to remember to pray all the time. Whenever they look down at their hands, they can remember to pray.



  1. The leader or parents talks with the children about prayer. Talk about how you can pray with your eyes open or closed, your hands can be folded or open, and your head can be up or down. The most important part is that you’re speaking to God from your heart.
  2. Ask the children to hold their hand up and to spread their fingers. Explain that you are going teach them a new prayer method prompted by each of their fingers. Chat through each of the prayer prompt as outlined below. If your church partners with particular workers or teams, then you may want to show photos of them and customise the language to the specific workers you are connected with.
  3. Talk about how you can open your prayer time with “Dear God,” or “Father God,” or however you feel comfortable addressing our heavenly Father. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart and connect with Him.
  4. Pray through each of the fingers on your hand. Ask the children if they want to pray out aloud as well. Encourage them to stay focussed by touching each finger with the pointer finger of your other hand as you pray.


What do each of the fingers represent?

  1. Thumb (closest): Pray for our own hearts. Ask God to make our hearts more like His every day. Ask Him to help us love the world and other people like He does.
  2. Pointer finger: Pray for those who point intercultural workers in the right direction: their culture and language teachers, team leaders, local friends and other leaders in their life. Pray for God to give them wisdom and understanding.
  3. Middle finger (tallest): Pray for the local leaders of the faith communities. Pray that they will be equipped to lead their own people. Pray that the faith communities will grow as more people hear about Jesus. Ask God to guide the leaders and give them courage to share their faith.
  4. Ring finger (weakest): Pray for God’s strength when intercultural workers feel weak. Pray for their physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, health and wellbeing. Pray for them to remain strong in their faith in Jesus.
  5. Pinkie finger (smallest): Pray for people in communities where there is a very small number of followers of Jesus. Pray that God will place people who are open to hearing about Him in contact with intercultural workers and believers. Pray for God’s Spirit to be at work and for many to come to faith in Jesus.

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