A year of discipleship

16 December 2021

A word or two here, a phrase there…

That’s about all I understand at this early stage of my language learning. But our weekly meeting has quickly become one of the highlights of my week!

Every Sunday afternoon at 2pm, I jump onto Zoom to meet with my brothers and sisters in South Asia for our weekly ‘Big Book’ meeting. Joining each week are a dozen or more (sometimes up to 30) of our local development staff scattered across the country, getting together to study the scriptures and to pray.

It is all conducted in the local language, so much of what is shared still goes right over my head. But I can sense the presence of the Spirit.

This weekly Zoom meeting started around 18 months ago, when Covid made travel to South Asia impossible. From the earliest meetings with just a few participants, and lots of awkward Zoom silence, to the dynamic and encouraging time it is now.

At a recent meeting we explored the story of the woman at the well in John 4. Each of the believers shared how they came to know Jesus, which was mostly through friends. When the question was asked, “How then will others come to know?” Immediately and unanimously they responded, “We will have to tell them!”

The B people of South Asia are one of the largest least-reached people groups in the world. Numbering more than 150 million people, most still have little or no access to the good news of Jesus in a way that makes sense to them.

But progress is being made! A new, culturally appropriate version of the Bible was completed with the support and advice of team member Morris. A 20+ year project, this new version uses language relevant for this cultural and religious context. The new version brings the ‘Big Book’ meetings to life, giving the believers a translation of the Scriptures that speaks to their hearts.

Currently, through our development work, our team of local staff connects with a network of more than 20,000 people! By sharing the good news through both word and deed, we look to the Holy Spirit to empower a movement centred on faith in the resurrected One.


Team Project: Sharing the Good News in New Ways

Project code: SAwh415

The team is working towards having the new version of the scriptures available through a secure website and App along with culturally appropriate discipleship resources. What will it mean for this dynamic movement of believers to have the Scriptures in their heart language, available on their personal phones? Let’s find out!

Find out more and partner with this project >

A Year of Discipleship
Resonate 38

Ryan is the newly appointed Team Leader of the South Asia team. In this article, he shares about the exciting and unexpected opportunity Covid-19 opened up.

Ryan is the newly appointed Team Leader of the South Asia team. In this article, he shares about the exciting and unexpected opportunity Covid-19 opened up.

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