The power of hope

22 May 2024

Petra and Ben share about the difference hope makes.

God works in incredible ways, and it’s always humbling to think that He includes us in His plans! Just over twelve months ago Petra was talking with a local neurologist about the importance of early identification and early intervention for babies at risk of cerebral palsy. They both had hopes and dreams of what they could do, but the barriers were quite high.

Fast forward a year and Petra has now been able to regularly visit a local maternity hospital where she is able to identify at risk babies and she also now has a therapy space where she can see them!

There are so many encouraging stories that have come from this time. It is a true gift for Petra to be able to work with these mums, to encourage them, to comfort them and to give them some sense of hope.

Just last week, Petra walked into a hospital room to find a mother sitting silently opposite her baby who was still in an incubator, tears streaming down her face. He had been a long-awaited addition to the family, and her introduction to motherhood had not been what she had imagined. They chatted for a bit, Petra got to hear her story, and then she could show the mother some activities to help her baby develop.

The conversation turned to prayer, and while it wasn’t appropriate to do that in the room with the mum, Petra and her local colleague were able to tell her that they would certainly be praying for her and her precious little boy.

Armed with practical strategies, encouragement, and assurance that God saw her and her situation; her demeanour changed from hopelessness to a determination to fight for her baby, something she could only do from a place of hope.

Pray with us:

  • Give thanks for the opportunities that Petra has to work with mums and babies.
  • Pray Petra will have spiritual and emotional energy for this important ministry.
  • Pray that more people with skills in Allied Health will join our team.

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