R and B

Serving in India

R and B along with their son C, have served with Baptist Mission Australia for many years. They are seconded from the Baptist Churches of Mizoram (BCM).

n 2003, R joined the team as an English and Linguistics teacher at a university in Central Asia. B joined the ministry after their marriage in 2005.

From 2016 to 2019, they lived in Mizoram in India, honouring a commitment with BCM for R to fulfil a role as Principal at a university college in Mizoram. Just as they were preparing to return to Central Asia in 2020, the global pandemic outbreak prevented them from re-entering the country. R and B have since relocated to New Delhi in India.

R now serves as an Asian Mission Mobiliser at Baptist Mission Australia. He is also undertaking relevant studies at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies to equip him for his new role.

R is developing a pilot intercultural training program in Northeast India, which will become a model for other contextualised intercultural transformational training programs in the future. The New Testament model of Jesus’ discipleship is being studied and applied to a new program, which will mobilise intercultural teams, and disciple new believers from other religious and cultural backgrounds.

R also continues to visit and actively engage with mission leaders in the region.
Their family desires to return to the frontlines again in God’s timing, as the Spirit leads.

Through their day-to-day life, Jean-Claude and Joyce are engaging with people wholistically, responding to their spiritual and physical needs.

Jean-Claude and Joyce share a passionate love for God and people and desire to see the Yawo follow Jesus within their cultural context. They are building relationships with their Yawo neighbours and investing in their culture and language learning with a local language nurturer so they can effectively communicate with their Yawo friends.

They are grateful for the prayers and financial support they receive as they actively seek to build meaningful relationships amongst the Yawo and see communities transformed as they follow Jesus in ways that make sense to them.

Ministry projects in India

Learn about how God is using B, R and the team in India through these life transforming projects.

Partner with R and B and share the good news of Jesus in India.

Your gifts will help fund their living and ministry costs. These include:
Children’s Education $3,000
Health $2,000
Travel $10,000
Culture and Language learning $5,000

Please note:
Gifts to Jean-Claude and Joyce are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

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