Creation Care: Waste Bank

Ministry in South East Asia

Project code: 
Project goal: 
$197,990 raised
(not tax deductible)

3/7/23 – Thank you for all your wonderful contributions. This project is now fully supported! Any additional donations will contribute to the 2024 target.

With a passion for caring about creation and long-term sustainability of our world, the South East Asia team is beginning phase two of their not-for-profit organisation which encourages local community action for environmental care.


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Through this project the team will coordinate events, conduct education campaigns and environmental audits.

Programs include targeted environmental rehabilitation projects, community composting programs and community rubbish clean-up events to best look after the local environment for future generations. Each event will encourage participants to understand what motivates their treatment of the environment in which they live.

Since the project began, it has grown and now operates in two locations in the country with a vision to see transformed quality of life through enhanced local environments.

The team is involved in a mobile waste bank service to mobilise and empower scavenger communities across their local city to improve their quality of life. They are also involved in other community development initiatives, including a program that mentors and assists in the successful transition of juvenile offenders to transition to society following incarceration, through engaging them in outdoor education and sport.

The project budget for 2023 and 2024 is $59,400 each year.

​Partner with the team as they work with the local people to develop a sustainable environment and care for humanity.

Ministry projects in South East Asia

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