
Serving in South East Asia

Ando has been serving in South East Asia since 2021. His focus is on continuing to learn the language and culture, so that he can share the hope of Jesus in ways the local people can understand. He is learning the national language as well as the regional language of the province in which he lives.

Please pray that his local friends will encounter Jesus in meaningful ways, and that they will choose to trust in Jesus as the way, the truth and the life. Ando’s hope is for many lives to be transformed, for darkness to become light, for hard things to become better, for pain to be eased, and for hopelessness to be turned into abundant hopefulness.

While Ando has faced several challenges over the past years of ministry, he is discovering God’s gentle guidance and direction through it all. Ando is excited about building deeper connections with his local friends. He’s also looking forward to growing in and partnering with God, being attuned to where the Spirit is at work.

Ando hopes to become more involved in meaningful projects that are real and tangible blessings to the local people, and for God to provide opportunities to share his faith with the people around him. Your prayerful and financial partnership is enabling him to share God’s love through word and deed. Thank you.

Through their day-to-day life, Jean-Claude and Joyce are engaging with people wholistically, responding to their spiritual and physical needs.

Jean-Claude and Joyce share a passionate love for God and people and desire to see the Yawo follow Jesus within their cultural context. They are building relationships with their Yawo neighbours and investing in their culture and language learning with a local language nurturer so they can effectively communicate with their Yawo friends.

They are grateful for the prayers and financial support they receive as they actively seek to build meaningful relationships amongst the Yawo and see communities transformed as they follow Jesus in ways that make sense to them.

Ministry projects in South East Asia

Learn about how God is using Ando and the team in Cambodia through these life transforming projects.

Partner with Ando and share the good news of Jesus in South East Asia.

Your gifts will help fund their living and ministry costs. These include:
Children’s Education $3,000
Health $2,000
Travel $10,000
Culture and Language learning $5,000

Please note:
Gifts to Jean-Claude and Joyce are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

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