
Serving in South East Asia

Mike has been serving in South East Asia since July 2021. His first year was spent adapting and learning to adjust to life in the small, yet fast-developing regional city he now calls home.

As he grew in his ability to have meaningful conversations using the national language of the B.I. people, Mike developed a small network of key relationships. These people have since become Mike’s close friends, and he genuinely enjoys hanging out with them!

In 2023 Mike began working as an English teacher at the Education Foundation. This role not only allows him to help the local people develop their English language skills, but is also necessary for him to have a reason to stay long-term in South East Asia.

Some of Mike’s local friends also work at the language centre, which gives him the opportunity to live out Kingdom values in front of them. One of Mike’s goals is to develop deep trust and respect with his friends at the language centre, so that he might have fruitful conversations about the Kingdom with them too.

As Mike looks to the future, he hopes to deepen his relationships with the B.I. people even further. This will involve learning the heart language of the B.I. people, which will enable Mike to have deeper conversations with his local friends.

Mike is also committed to further deepening his relationship with Jesus. His relationship with God is the foundation of all he does in South East Asia. Please pray with Mike to see vibrant faith communities following Jesus in their own distinctive ways in South East Asia.

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”

1 JOHN 5:14

Ministry projects in South East Asia

Learn about how God is using Mike and the team in South East Asia through these life transforming projects.

Partner with Mike and share the good news of Jesus in South East Aisa.

Your gifts will help fund their living and ministry costs. These include:
Children’s Education $3,000
Health $2,000
Travel $10,000
Culture and Language learning $5,000

Please note:
Gifts to Jean-Claude and Joyce are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

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