Team – Rural Income Generation

Ministry in South Asia

Project code: 
Project goal: 
(not tax deductible)

11/9/23 – Thank you so much for your generous partnership with this life changing project! The target has been revised for 2024 as our local partner NGO has needed to adjust project expenses for local inflation and increased program opportunities. Thank you again for your partnership.

Revised and renewed for three more years, this long-term project continues to transform the lives of B people through practically improving food production, sustainable livestock rearing and farming initiatives.

Improving these techniques leads to increased income for families which changes their future and that of their children and generations to come. Meetings are held with community-based organisations who identify participants and the types of programs needed in their area, then those that are able are included in training sessions throughout each year (usually 10-15 people at a time), creating long-term sustainable change.

Finding practical, manageable and sustainable ways to improve livestock and food production for consumption and sale is one critical way our team is seeing the lives of B people continue to be equipped and empowered. The focus continues to be on cattle, fish and vegetable production with ever improving practices as new information becomes available. Small business management and training has also become a key focus. The team is actively introducing and addressing tangible, practical ways to increase the livelihood of B people and providing them the support, training and means to make these changes. The areas of need have been identified by community groups of B people, in partnership with our partner NGO on the ground so that the team can provide the most effective training possible.

With community involvement and focused training, this project provides increased technical knowledge and skills for local people in their areas of need as well as increased staff capacity building for facilitating training and monitoring.

To-date, more than 18,000 B people have been impacted through rural income generation initiatives!

Budget inclusions:

Education sessions
Cattle production (including breed stock, feed, shelter and vaccinations)
Fish cultures (raising hatchlings to fish so they can be sold for income)
Animal nutrition awareness
Vegetable production for higher yield crops (for consumption and sales)
Kitchen gardens (for families to be self-supporting)
Plant nutrition (short introduction to its significance)
Small enterprise development
Overhead costs including maintenance, auditing and resources
Wages for training personnel

Through their day-to-day life, Jean-Claude and Joyce are engaging with people wholistically, responding to their spiritual and physical needs.

It is Jan and Jit’s desire to see each person develop as an individual,
learn new skills and move towards their potential for interdependent
and independent living.

Through this work they seek to partner with churches to see the
Christian community develop a sense of responsibility towards those
in need in their communities.

This project covers the costs of running disability group activities
in rural areas, the purchase of specialised equipment to improve
quality of life and provide the needs of the team travelling and
empowering people with disabilities in this Thai/Myanmar border

This project empowers and equips the B people, enabling them to experience wholistic changes in their families and local communities in South Asia!

Ministry projects in South Asia.

Discover Baptist Mission Australia’s other ministry projects in South Asia.